Trains to and from Bomaderry Station (Nowra) require you to change trains. Generally, there is only a short delay before the link train departs. However, these trains always wait for the other train to arrive. Check carefully using the South Coast Line timetable. Also note that timetables for week days and weekends are different.
Bomaderry Station is approximately 35km from Huskisson. Not all trains are met by a bus service. Choose a train service that is linked to a Nowra Coaches bus. (timetable below)
Rail Timetable and other information:
Nowra Coaches Timetable:
Train Ticket Price:
Sydney Airport to Bomaderry (Nowra) via Wolli Creek Station
Please note:
Sydney Airport to Bomaderry (Nowra) via Central Station
From Bomaderry Station to Huskisson: